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Enable the new integrated experience in G Suite across the web and Android

Quick launch summary

We recently announced a new integrated workspace that brings your favorite G Suite apps closer together. We’re now rolling out this workspace to Gmail on the web and Android. Stay tuned to the G Suite Updates blog for information on the timing of the launch to iOS.

Gmail will now feature four distinct components:

  • Mail, which has not changed and is the same Gmail experience users know and love.
  • Chat, which allows users to message individuals and small groups directly.
  • Rooms, which are spaces that include shared chat, files, and tasks to help groups more easily work on projects.
  • Meet, which features upcoming meetings that you can view and join.
Mail,Chat Rooms and Meet tabs Gmail on mobile

With this launch, you’ll also be able to open and co-edit a document with your team without leaving Gmail. This will make it easier for you to collaborate directly within the context of where you’re doing your work at that moment.

In addition, we’ve introduced several new tools to help you prioritize and stay focused. You can now:
  • Assign group tasks.
  • Get notified about task updates in rooms.
  • Pin important rooms so they’re easier to find and access.
  • Set your availability to “Do not disturb.”
  • Better protect your time with status notices in Chat like “Out of office.”
  • See files shared in a room.
  • See integrated search results and toggle between Email and Chat results on the web.
  • Start a new meeting or see your upcoming meetings under “Meet” on the web.

We hope this new integrated experience in Gmail helps you stay focused, be productive, and collaborate more effectively—no matter what your workspace looks like.

Getting started

Rollout pace

  • Rapid Release domains: Gradual rollout to users (up to 15 days for full feature visibility) starting on August 12, 2020
  • Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout to users (up to 15 days for full feature visibility) starting on September 1, 2020


  • Available to all G Suite customers



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