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Extending availability of Google Meet advanced features to all customers through September 30, 2020

What’s changing

Last month, we made our advanced Google Meet video-conferencing capabilities available at no cost to all G Suite Basic, Business, Education, and Nonprofit customers. We’re extending that availability to September 30, 2020, to ensure businesses, organizations, and educators continue their work during this crisis. See our previous post for more details on these features.

In addition, we’re dropping “Hangouts” from the Google Meet name. You’ll start to see this change reflected in the product and across resources over the next few weeks.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why it’s important

We hope this extension makes it easier for our customers to operate during this crisis. We also recognize that as work and learning are increasingly done from a distance, maintaining security and control across your organization is all the more critical. Check out our post on the G Suite blog to learn more about how Google Meet keeps your organization’s information safe.

Getting started

Admins: If you haven’t yet done so, enable Meet video calling for your organization. You can then turn on live streaming and recording.

  • G Suite Basic, Business, and Nonprofit customers: These advanced features are OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain, OU, or group level.
  • G Suite for Education customers: These advanced features are OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain, OU, or group level. Please see our FAQ in the Help Center for additional education-specific considerations when enabling Meet and these features.
  • G Suite Enterprise and Enterprise for Education customers: These features are already available in your domain and will continue to respect your current settings.

End users: Once enabled in the Admin console, end users can live stream and record meetings. Visit the Help Center to learn more about how to live stream and record a meeting.

Rollout pace

  • Free access to advanced features is available now to all G Suite customers.


  • Available to all G Suite customers.



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