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Get the best GIFs for your Presentations with Zoho Show for Giphy

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine the power of GIFs. 

We use GIFs all the time here at Show. Right from our tweets, blogs, Cliq channels to marketing emails and team announcements, GIFs provides an extra dimension to all our messages.

We’ve also found GIFs get great results!

That’s why we’re excited to integrate the internet’s favourite image format to our Android app.

Easily add GIFs to your slides

With Show’s integration with Giphy, spice up your slides by adding GIFs and enhance your ideas dynamically. Start exploring them at your fingertips and choose the one that illustrates your concepts without switching apps.

Use GIFs for collaborative chats

With Show’s built-in smart chat, sharing ideas while creating slides is even more exciting. Thanks to Giphy, no emotion is too big or small to convey. Employ GIFs for all your collaborative chats and make your team conversations fun.

GIFs are such a fun area to dig into, and we hope this integration will take your presentations to another level.

How do you plan to use GIFs in your presentations? Tell us all about it in the comments!

Happy presenting!

Download Zoho Show app here.


How to access Giphy inside the Show Android app?

Go to the presentation editor screen, Tap “+” icon —> Choose “Media” —> Select “Giphy”

Giphy is automatically integrated into the app. No special installation is required. If you still can’t access it, kindly consider updating the Show app to the latest version. 

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