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Ring groups in Google Voice now generally available

What’s changing

We’re launching automatic call routing rules with ring groups in Google Voice. With ring groups, multiple people in your organization can make and receive calls from the same Google Voice number. This feature was previously available in beta and is now generally available.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

A ring group is a way for a team to intelligently route incoming calls to the correct person or device. This means that groups within your organization, like sales or customer service teams, can easily triage and take quick actions on ongoing calls (such as transferring to a team member or another device).

Additional details

Admins can customize several aspects of ring groups, including:

  • Simultaneous or random order call routing
  • Who in the ring group can make outbound calls and use the ring group number(s) as caller ID
  • What happens to unanswered calls
  • Ring group business hours 

Getting started

Rollout pace

  • This feature is available now for all users.





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