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Service accounts in Google Groups and with Groups API now generally available

Quick launch summary 

We recently announced betas for two new features related to service accounts. Now, these features are generally available: 

  • Support for service accounts in Google Groups, which makes it easier to use service accounts with groups while increasing security and transparency. Learn more. 
  • Use service accounts with Google Groups APIs without domain-wide delegation, which enables service accounts to perform critical business processes without compromising your strong security and compliance posture. Learn more. 

Groups are a critical tool for customers to manage their G Suite deployment. Many customers use service accounts with Groups to automate user management, manage migrations, and integrate G Suite with other apps, tools, and services. Use the announcements linked above to learn more about the features and how you can use them. 

Service accounts in Google Groups 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 


  • Available to all G Suite customers 



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