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Strategize your digital recruitment « Zoho Blog

Digital recruitment is more than just posting vacancies on online job boards and social media. It involves a whole host of digital tools and strategies that span the entire recruitment process, from sourcing to hiring.

Examples include:

Digital recruitment is the process of using technology and the internet to find, attract, assess, and hire candidates to fill your open job roles. You might already be using one or two of the methods listed above. However, an optimized digital recruitment strategy will use several modern tools. Here’s some of the benefits you can get from digitizing your recruitment process:

  • A more extensive reach: Recruiters can reach remote and passive candidates from anywhere in the world.

  • Greater efficiency: Sourcing, selecting, and hiring candidates takes less time with better communication tools and automation.

  • A higher ROI: Though an initial investment is needed, a digital recruitment strategy allows recruiters to hire top-performing candidates in a shorter time frame.

How to build a robust digital recruitment strategy:

1. Create and share relevant content

Refine your messaging so you can engage with different groups of candidates more efficiently. This means taking the time to discover who your ideal candidates are and using this to fuel your copy. This targeted approach will also give you a better idea of where to share the content. For instance:

  • Your company website

  • External blogs

  • Social media handles

  • Email newsletters

There are many strategies that you can use to make your content more compelling for a specific audience. For example:

  • Using stories and testimonials from current employees

  • Publishing industry salary reports

  • Posting industry news and updates

Research what your potential candidates are interested in before launching a digital recruitment strategy.

It’s also worth noting that, to create and manage content effectively, you’ll need to discover the needs of your candidates and provide them solutions. The better your solutions, the more you distinguish yourself from your competition.

This means tailoring content to engage with your ideal job seeker. To do this, you must understand their:

  • Online habits

  • Interests

  • Lifestyle

  • Average expected income

With this info at your disposal, you can better create informative pictures, infographics, or videos that explain and eventually convince potentials to apply to work for you.

2. Have a solid social media recruiting strategy

A strong social media presence is vital in today’s recruitment industry. Once your company profiles are up and running, try to publish informative posts or videos and engage in discussions with potential candidates.

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