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What’s new on Zoho People this month?: June Roundup

June has been extremely productive for all of us here at Zoho People. Our product developers have come up with some amazing updates to provide a more seamless user experience to our customers, and we’re very excited to announce them.

June Product updates in Zoho People

These updates are also aimed at making HR management easier and more effective for your organization. Here’s what’s new from June:

During public health situations like COVID-19, it’s essential to stay on top of the health status of your employees to support them through the crisis. This can also be useful when they have to return to work. With our new employee health status form, you can collect important information in an organized manner, avoiding errors and confusion. Once you enable the form, a short survey will be added to the employee dashboard through which they can submit theirs and their family’s health status. Learn more about this feature here.

HR reps often have to juggle a variety of forms that have to be sent out to employees to collect vital compliance information. To make this process easier, we have consolidated some of the essential compliance forms like W9, W4, and I9 under the HR Forms and Templates category. You can share it with your employees to gather the necessary information. Company handbook templates, which can be customized according to your organization, have been added, too. Click here to take advantage of this new feature.

We can now help you lay out your organization’s hierarchy in a better way. The terminology used to denote the different levels of your organization’s structure may vary according to the location. With our new update, you can rename the different levels of your organization structure so that your employees are familiar with the terminology. Find out how to rename the levels here.

With our new Streams feature, you can organize all the related designations in your organization under a single name. You can also group employees who perform jobs of a similar nature under a single stream. Once this is enabled, the stream that an employee belongs to will be displayed in their self-service page. Learn more about the streams feature here.

Our new Batch Scheduler feature in the Learning Management System (LMS) eliminates the need to create every batch manually when a course is conducted in multiple batches. Once you schedule multiple batches at regular intervals (monthly/weekly/yearly), each one will be created automatically before the specified date. You can also clone the existing batch’s configuration to a new batch. Learn how to schedule multiple batches here.

Our new Shift Admin feature is aimed at making the shift scheduling process as simple as possible. In organizations that have a large workforce, one single person can’t handle scheduling the shifts of dozens of employees. That’s why we’ve introduced this useful feature that allows you to assign a Shift Administrator to any group of employees, which are called shift groups. The Shift Administrator can configure the shift for any employee within the shift group. Any employees within your organization, regardless of their hierarchical status, can be selected as shift admin. Learn how to assign a Shift Administrator here.

This set of improvements has been introduced exclusively to transform and strengthen the core HR functions of your organization. Give them a try, and let us know what you think. Have questions? Write to us at [email protected].



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