Equipment Where and When You Need It: The Promise of Provision & Collection by Net Universe

In the era of remote work, the speed and efficiency of delivering essential IT equipment has become a cornerstone of successful business operations. Through its Provision & Collection service, Net Universe ensures that organizations can receive IT equipment, such as laptops and keyboards, exactly where and when they need them, regardless of where their employees are located around the world.

Streamlined Delivery Logistics:
Net Universe has perfected its logistics process to ensure that each shipment, from a single device to thousands of units, reaches its destination safely and on time. We handle everything from gathering client requirements to the final delivery at the desired location, including all necessary customs procedures and tax barriers.

Case Study: Global Online Community Platform
A leading online community platform, with employees spread across more than 50 countries, faced the challenge of updating its IT hardware to meet the new demands of remote work. Through the Provision & Collection service by Net Universe, the company was able to coordinate the shipment of 600 laptops, each specifically configured for the end user’s needs. This process was carried out over a period of two months, covering regions in America, Europe, APAC, and EMEA. The efficiency and precision of the delivery allowed for a smooth and uninterrupted transition in the platform’s daily work, especially noted for its efficiency in locations with complex logistics such as Eastern European countries and South America.

Rapid Response for Immediate Needs:
We understand that time is critical. Our distribution model is designed to respond quickly to urgent requests, allowing businesses to maintain work continuity without costly delays, especially in locations with complex logistics like Eastern European countries, the Philippines, India, and South America.

Impact on Business Operations:
The effectiveness of our logistics not only simplifies IT management but also enhances employee satisfaction and efficiency. Properly configured and timely delivered equipment removes technical barriers, allowing workers to focus on their business objectives without distractions.

Provision & Collection by Net Universe does not just deliver IT equipment; we facilitate the expansion and scalability of businesses with logistic solutions that exceed expectations. No matter where your employees are located, we guarantee they will have the necessary resources to perform at their best. Discover how we can help you simplify your remote IT management and boost your global business.

About Net Universe

Net Universe is the first Technology company with integrated Global Logistics.

With strategic alliances and partnerships with the main technology brands in equipment, security and collaboration platforms, Net Universe combines IT and logistics, delivering technology product and services with integrated logistics solutions, woldwide.




Contact us for more information: [email protected]
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Un Mundo Sin Fronteras: Cómo World Wide Delivery Services Simplifica la Logística Global

En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, la capacidad de operar a través de fronteras internacionales es crucial para el crecimiento y la competitividad. Sin embargo, gestionar envíos internacionales puede convertirse en un laberinto de procedimientos aduanales y barreras fiscales. Aquí es donde los Servicios de Entrega Mundial de Net Universe transforman el panorama, permitiendo a las empresas expandir su alcance sin las complicaciones habituales.

Eliminación de Barreras Aduanales y Fiscales:

Los Servicios de Entrega Mundial se encargan de todos los aspectos relacionados con las aduanas y los impuestos, asegurando que el equipo de IT necesario llegue a sus destinos internacionales sin retrasos ni costos inesperados. Este servicio no solo reduce las cargas administrativas sobre las empresas, sino que también minimiza el riesgo de sanciones o retrasos debido a documentación incorrecta o incompleta.

Ejemplo 1: Empresa de tecnología en Silicon Valley

Una startup de rápido crecimiento pudo establecer rápidamente un equipo de desarrollo en India gracias a nuestra gestión eficiente de la logística, evitando semanas de retraso y posibles multas aduaneras que podrían haber comprometido su lanzamiento de producto.


Optimización del Entrega Local:

Una vez que los envíos llegan a su país de destino, los Servicios de Entrega Mundial coordinan la entrega local hasta la ubicación final. Esto significa que, desde la salida de los productos de nuestros almacenes hasta su entrega, todo el proceso está cubierto.

Ejemplo 2: Empresa líder de tecnología en redes sociales

Una importante compañía de redes sociales necesitaba equipar a sus empleados en ubicaciones diversas como Argentina, Uruguay, toda la Comunidad Europea, países de Europa del Este, regiones EMEA y APAC con las últimas herramientas de IT para apoyar el trabajo remoto. Nuestros servicios de entrega sin interrupciones aseguraron que todo el equipo tecnológico se distribuyera eficientemente a través de estas regiones geográficamente dispersas, simplificando sus operaciones globales sin las complicaciones logísticas habituales.


Facilitación del Comercio Internacional:

Al asumir la responsabilidad total de los envíos internacionales, permitimos que las empresas se concentren en lo que mejor saben hacer: innovar y expandir su negocio. Eliminamos el estrés y la complejidad que a menudo acompañan a la expansión global.

Ejemplo 3: Empresa de software de Argentina cotizada en Nasdaq
Una empresa de software originalmente establecida en Argentina y ahora cotizada en Nasdaq necesitaba desplegar rápidamente infraestructura de IT para apoyar su creciente fuerza laboral global. Utilizando nuestros Servicios de Entrega Mundial, pudieron facilitar la distribución de equipos de alta tecnología a oficinas en todo el mundo, asegurando la continuidad operativa y la escalabilidad a través de múltiples continentes.


En Net Universe, entendemos que la verdadera libertad empresarial radica en la capacidad de operar sin preocupaciones logísticas, sin importar dónde se encuentren sus operaciones o empleados. Con sedes en Miami y Barcelona, y oficinas a lo largo de las Américas, Europa y Asia, los Servicios de Entrega Mundial son más que un proveedor logístico; somos un socio estratégico que ayuda a su empresa a alcanzar una verdadera operatividad global. Descubra cómo podemos ayudarlo a eliminar fronteras hoy mismo.


Acerca de Net Universe

Net Universe es la primer empresa de Tecnología con servicios integrados de Logística Global..

Con alianzas estratégicas con las principales marcas de tecnología en equipos, seguridad y plataformas de colaboración, Net Universe combina TI y logística, entregando productos y servicios de tecnología con soluciones logísticas integradas a nivel mundial.

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Breaking Boundaries: How World Wide Delivery Services Streamlines Global Logistics


In an increasingly globalized world, the ability to operate across international borders is crucial for growth and competitiveness. However, managing international shipments can be a labyrinth of customs procedures and tax barriers. This is where Net Universe’s World Wide Delivery Services transforms the landscape, allowing companies to expand their reach without the usual complications.


Elimination of Customs and Fiscal Barriers:

World Wide Delivery Services handles all aspects related to customs and taxes, ensuring that necessary IT equipment reaches its international destinations without delays or unexpected costs. This service not only reduces administrative burdens on companies but also minimizes the risk of penalties or delays due to incorrect or incomplete documentation.

Example 1: Technology company in Silicon Valley

A fast-growing startup was able to quickly set up a development team in India thanks to our efficient logistics management, avoiding weeks of delay and potential customs fines that could have jeopardized their product launch.

Optimization of Local Delivery:

Once shipments arrive in their destination country, World Wide Delivery Services coordinates local delivery to the final location. This means that from the products leaving our warehouses to their delivery, the entire process is covered.


Example 2: Leading Social Networking Technology Company

A prominent social networking company needed to equip its employees in diverse locations such as Argentina, Uruguay, the entire European Community, Eastern European countries, EMEA, and APAC regions with the latest IT tools to support remote work. Our seamless delivery services ensured that all tech equipment was efficiently distributed across these geographically dispersed regions, streamlining their global operations without the hassle of logistical complexities.


Facilitation of International Trade:

By taking full responsibility for international shipments, we allow companies to focus on what they do best: innovate and expand their business. We remove the stress and complexity that often accompanies global expansion.

Example 3: Nasdaq-Listed Software Company Born in Argentina

A software company originally established in Argentina and now listed on the Nasdaq needed to rapidly deploy IT infrastructure to support their expanding global workforce. Utilizing our World Wide Delivery Services, they were able to facilitate the distribution of high-tech equipment to offices around the world, ensuring operational continuity and scalability across multiple continents.



At Net Universe, we understand that true business freedom lies in the ability to operate without logistical worries, no matter where your operations or employees are located. With headquarters in Miami and Barcelona, and offices across the Americas, Europe, and Asia, World Wide Delivery Services is more than just a logistics provider; we are a strategic partner that helps your company achieve true global operability. Discover how we can help you eliminate borders today.


About Net Universe

Net Universe is the first Technology company with integrated Global Logistics.

With strategic alliances and partnerships with the main technology brands in equipment, security and collaboration platforms, Net Universe combines IT and logistics, delivering technology product and services with integrated logistics solutions, woldwide.




Contact us for more information: [email protected]
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From passwords to passkeys: Entering a new era in cybersecurity

Phishing, a common tactic used by hackers to obtain access to sensitive information, is accredited as a contributing factor in over 80% of all security breaches. Phishing occurs when malicious actors impersonate a legitimate entity to deceive people into providing personal information  – typically via email, social media, text messages, or fake websites. Once the malicious actor has access to personal information tied to an account such as a personal or business email account, they have a treasure trove of information to continue infiltrating into additional accounts.

At the root of all phishing attacks are passwords, as they are the frontline for malicious actors to breach an account. While passwords have long been the go-to method for verifying identity online, they’re inherently insecure. Users are typically required to create complex strings of characters that they must remember and input correctly each time they access a system or application. However, this method has proven to be flawed in many ways. People tend to reuse passwords across multiple accounts and/or use easily guessable passwords, which gives hackers the ability to breach multiple accounts with a single password. Additionally, people can be easily tricked into sharing their passwords due to the sophistication of today’s phishing attacks where hackers are able to manipulate a fake website to appear legitimate. 

The solution to today’s modern phishing attacks

Fortunately, there are methods to combat phishing, one of which is passwordless multi-factor authentication (MFA) which offers a highly secure and user-friendly approach. At its core, passwordless authentication eliminates the need for users to create and remember passwords altogether. Instead, it leverages alternative factors, such as biometrics or physical security keys to verify a user’s identity. One of the key benefits of passwordless authentication is its ability to enhance security. Without passwords to steal or guess, attackers face a significantly higher barrier when attempting to gain unauthorized access to an account. 

Physical security keys like the YubiKey serve as an easy-to-use, highly secure, phishing-resistant passwordless authentication method where users employ physical keys to verify their identity during the login process. Unlike passwords, which can be vulnerable to theft or compromise, YubiKeys provide a tangible form of security that is resistant to phishing attacks and other forms of cyber threats.

In addition to being highly secure, passwordless authentication can greatly simplify the user experience. By removing the need for users to remember complex passwords, it reduces the friction associated with logging in and eliminates the frustration of forgotten passwords. This can lead to increased user satisfaction and productivity, especially in enterprise environments where employees often juggle multiple accounts and passwords.

The future is passwordless with passkeys

Passkeys have taken the world by storm as the de facto authentication solution across apps and websites to replace passwords – helping both individuals and enterprises achieve this easily. Passkeys seamlessly authenticate users by using cryptographic security “keys” stored on their computer or device. They are considered a superior alternative to passwords since users are not required to recall or manually enter long sequences of characters that can be forgotten, stolen or intercepted.

The increasing popularity and adoption of passkeys have exploded due to their widespread adoption by the world’s largest tech companies – who also happen to be the most used identity providers collectively – as millions of users begin to make the shift. With passkeys, users can easily sign in to apps and websites with a biometric sensor (such as a fingerprint or facial recognition), PIN, or pattern, freeing them from having to remember and manage passwords. 

Passkeys have been supported on YubiKeys since 2018 and provide an even higher level of security as they are device-bound (meaning they are stored within a physical hardware device, cannot be copied and are not tied to a specific vendor) vs. other forms of passkeys that are syncable (meaning they are stored in the cloud, which are tied to a specific platform and can be copied across devices).

As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity, embracing passwordless authentication will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in safeguarding our digital identities and securing the systems and services we rely on every day.

About Net Universe

Net Universe has been recognized as the Yubico Strategic Partner of 2022 and has the full range of YubiKey, with worldwide shipping.

Combining IT and logistics services, NetUniverse is the only authorized YubiKey distributor that has the ability to ship equipment anywhere in the world, without customs barriers, at the best cost and in times that no one can beat.

For more information, please visit:

Contact information: [email protected]

Cybersecurity Campaign in Latin America

Unlock 5 hours of free consulting

We are pleased to announce the start of our exciting Cybersecurity Campaign, designed to strengthen your business against ever-evolving digital threats.

At the heart of our campaign is Sophos, a brand recognized for its excellence in cybersecurity. With every purchase of a Sophos device, you are not only acquiring advanced technology, but you are also unlocking 5 hours of free consulting.


Discover how Net Universe can enhance and secure your company through:

  • Firewalls: Defend your network with the latest technology in threat protection.
  • Llaves de Seguridad: Secure access to your systems with strong authentication..
  • Cloud Backups Eficientes: Protect and back up your data in the cloud for fast recovery.


5 Hours of Free Consulting: An Unmatched Added Value

With the purchase of a Sophos device, we offer you 5 hours of free consulting. Our team of experts is ready to provide you with specialized advice, whether to perform a comprehensive security diagnosis or to facilitate the installation of your new equipment.


Upcoming Amazing Offers: Stay Tuned 

This is not the only surprise we have prepared. In the coming months, we will be launching a series of exciting offers on various cybersecurity products. We are committed to providing you with the necessary tools to comprehensively protect your business.


Protect your Business, Boost your Security

Don’t miss the opportunity to increase the security of your company with Net Universe. Contact us now and join the forefront of digital protection!

Thank you for being part of this exciting campaign. Together, let’s build a safer and more resilient digital environment.

Strategic alliance between Net Universe & Sophos

Net Universe is carrying out the Cybersecurity campaign in Latin America until March 31, 2024, granting 5 hours of free consulting for diagnosis or installation when you purchase Sophos equipment.

You can learn more at

Contact a specialist: [email protected]

Schedule a meeting with a specialist.

Do you need the best conditions to purchase Sophos products and licenses or learn about our integrated logistics services to take your company to the next level?

Let’s talk!

    Un líder, por decimocuarta vez

    Las amenazas cambian. Sophos sigue siendo reconocido

    Por decimocuarta vez consecutiva, Sophos ha sido nombrado líder en el Cuadrante Mágico™ de Gartner® 2023 para plataformas de protección de endpoints.
    Creemos que este reconocimiento continuo es un testimonio de su innovación incesante, profunda experiencia en amenazas y adaptación continua que permite defender a los clientes incluso de los adversarios más sofisticados.

    Elija Endpoint Protection que funcione para usted y con usted

    Sophos Endpoint ofrece una protección contra amenazas incomparable y potentes herramientas EDR y XDR. Diseñado para entornos y amenazas del mundo real, los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
    • CryptoGuard Protección anti-ransomware que detecta y revierte ataques de ransomware locales y remotos.
    • Más de 60 mitigaciones de exploits que se implementan automáticamente, no se requiere configuración.
    • Protección adaptativa contra ataques que aplica automáticamente una protección más agresiva cuando un dispositivo está bajo ataque.
    • Advertencia de ataque crítico que identifica un ataque activo en todo el patrimonio y notifica proactivamente a los clientes para que puedan tomar medidas preventivas inmediatas.

    2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ para plataformas de protección de endpoints

    Gartner, Cuadrante Mágico para plataformas de protección de endpoints, Peter Firstbrook, Chris Silva, 31 de diciembre de 2023

    GARTNER es una marca comercial registrada y una marca de servicio de Gartner, Inc. y/o sus afiliados en los EE. UU. e internacionalmente. Magic Quadrant es una marca comercial registrada de Gartner, Inc. y/o sus afiliados y se utilizan en este documento con permiso. Reservados todos los derechos. Gartner no respalda a ningún proveedor, producto o servicio descrito en sus publicaciones de investigación y no recomienda a los usuarios de tecnología que seleccionen sólo aquellos proveedores con las calificaciones más altas u otra designación. Las publicaciones de investigación de Gartner consisten en opiniones de la organización de investigación de Gartner y no deben interpretarse como declaraciones de hechos. Gartner renuncia a toda garantía, expresa o implícita, con respecto a esta investigación, incluida cualquier garantía de comerciabilidad o idoneidad para un propósito particular.

    Alianza estratégica entre Net Universe & Sophos

    Net Universe está llevando a cabo la campaña de Ciberseguridad en Latinoamérica hasta el 31 de Marzo de 2024, otorgando 5 hs de consultoría gratuita para diagnóstico o instalación cuando usted compra equipos Sophos.

    Puede conocer más en

    Contactar un especialista: [email protected]

    Agendar una reunión con un especialista.

    Hello, Apple

    Apple Authorized Reseller
    Apple Authorized Reseller

    We proudly announce that Net Universe has been distingued as Apple Authorized Reseller.

    This membership is a testament to our ongoing commitment to deliver the best 360° tech & logistics solutions to our clients. At Net Universe, strong partnerships are the foundation of success.

    With the incorporation of Apple to our portfolio, we continue adding value to our clients’ IT Supply Chain, in this time with 3 key stages:

    -Provisioning Apple equipments.
    -Enrolling Mac computers to Apple Business Manager (ABM).
    -Shipping computers directly to user’s home or offices.

    We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to Apple for this recognition and also thank our team at Net Universe for their dedication and hard work in making this partnership happen.

    About Apple

    Apple es una de las marcas más importantes del mundo debido a su combinación de productos innovadores, diseño atractivo, calidad confiable, servicios en línea avanzados, una comunidad de usuarios leales y apasionados, una estrategia de marketing astuta, y una cultura de la empresa fuerte y coherente. Entre sus productos encontramos Mac, iPad, iPhone, Watch, AirPods, TV & Home, AirTag.

    About Net Universe

    Net Universe is the first Technology company with integrated Global Logistics.

    With strategic alliances and partnerships with the main technology brands in equipment, security and collaboration platforms, Net Universe combines IT and logistics, delivering technology product and services with integrated logistics solutions, woldwide.

    Contact us for more information: [email protected]

    The dark side of the mobile authentication strategy

    Not all MFA is created equal

    Despite the growing tide and sophistication of cyber attacks, organizations continue to rely on legacy authentication methods such as usernames and passwords and mobile-based authenticators to secure access to critical and sensitive applications and data. A recent Google Cloud report indicates that 50% of compromises of enterprise cloud environments in Q4 2022 could be attributed to weak passwords. 

    Organizations face mounting pressure from regulators and cyber insurers to strengthen cybersecurity defenses with multi-factor authentication (MFA), adding one or more additional pieces of evidence to the authentication process. However, while any form of MFA will offer better security than password-based authentication alone, the truth is that not all MFA is created equal. 

    Legacy mobile-based MFA such as SMS, one-time passcodes (OTP) and push notification apps are highly susceptible to account takeovers from phishing, social engineering and man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks. And yet, up to 53% of or ganizations choose mobile-based authentication as their MFA form factor.2 Why is that? Because most organizations remain unaware of the security risks with mobile authentication. 

    Today a data breach costs an average of $9.44M in the US and $4.35M globally3, but cyber attacks can also erode trust, disable critical infrastructure, disrupt core operations, increase cyber insurance premiums and result in the loss of intellectual property. Successful cyber attacks are the reason why regulators now specifically mandate phishing-resistant MFA, including the White House Executive Order 140284, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memo 22-095 and the National Security Memorandum/NSM-86 in the US, NIS27 for the EU and the global PCI DSS v4.0 standard8. And yet across the industry, confusion still exists about what forms of MFA are truly secure or phishing-resistant. 

    The dark truth is that no form of mobile authentication is phishing-resistant. Further, your MFA strategy ROI can vary widely in terms of cost, user experience, coverage and even the ability to bridge to a passwordless future, depending on what MFA approach you choose. 

    In this whitepaper, we’ll reveal the top five mobile authentication misconceptions to help you re-evaluate your long-term MFA strategy and to consider the shift to modern MFA. In fact, we’ll demonstrate that legacy mobile-based MFA is broken, and how you can achieve modern, phishing-resistant MFA with an estimated ROI as high as 203%.


    Common forms of mobile authentication

    The most common forms of mobile authentication rely on the human element—the manual entry of an output (code) or the approval of a sign-in request. The human element of authentication can have a direct impact on security risk, user productivity and support costs if the solution doesn’t offer an optimal user experience. In fact, 82% of data breaches can be tied to the human element—social attacks, credential theft, misuse or errors.

    Five common misconceptions related to mobile authentication

    Here are the top five mobile authentication misconceptions that put organizations at risk of account takeovers and increased OpEx and CapEx costs, if not addressed:


    • #1: Mobile authentication is phishing-resistant 
    • #2: Mobile authentication is cost-effective
    • #3: Mobile authentication is user-friendly
    • #4: Mobile authentication offers 360° coverage
    • #5: Mobile authentication is future-proofed


    Yubikey offers simple, phishingresistant MFA

    Yubico created the YubiKey, a hardware security key that supports phishing-resistant two-factor, MFA and passwordless authentication at scale with an optimized user experience.

    The YubiKey is a multi-protocol key, supporting both PIV/smart card and FIDO2/WebAuthn standards along with OTP and OpenPGP, integrating seamlessly into both legacy and modern environments, helping organizations bridge to a passwordless future supported by hardware-bound passkeys.

    Modern hardware security keys such as the YubiKey provide an authentication process that is free of human error, offering organizations a path to zero trust that is proven to reduce risk by 99.9%. The YubiKey works across the organization and in places legacy MFA can’t, free from reliance on external power, batteries or network connection.

    The YubiKey is designed to deliver a great user experience, letting users securely log in to over one thousand products, services and applications, including leading identity and access management (IAM) platforms, privileged access management (PAM) solutions and cloud services, with the secrets never shared between services.


    Getting started is easy

    Net Universe has been recognized as the Yubico Strategic Partner of 2022. This award is a testament to our ongoing commitment to delivering the best security solutions to our clients.

    Combining IT and logistics services, Net Universe is the unique YubiKey authorized distributor that has the ability to distribute or collect equipment anywhere in the world, without customs barriers, at the best cost and in times that no one can overcome.

    If you need the best conditions to purchase Yubico products and licenses please visit our shop.

    If you want to learn about our Yubico solutions with integrated logistics services, taking your company to the next level,  please make an appoinment with a specialist. 


    Decoding the Future of Hybrid and Remote Work

    Provisioning & Collections
    Provisioning & Collections

    Decoding the Future of Hybrid and Remote Work

     We break down the main trends that shape the present and future landscape of hybrid and remote work:


    New Norm: The Hybrid Work Framework

    The hybrid work paradigm, where employees can oscillate between remote and in-office work, is gaining prominence post-pandemic. This model offers flexibility, monetary savings, and conserves time for employees, while enabling companies to economize on physical workspace and other related resources. Although some businesses are reverting to fully in-person operations, many others are gravitating towards this blend of remote and onsite work.


    Flexibility Takes Centre Stage

    Flexible work arrangements are driving the preference for remote or hybrid models over traditional five-day office weeks. Factors such as childcare responsibilities, mental wellbeing, and personal fitness have all contributed to this shift. The ability to choose one’s work time and place has led to increased productivity and job satisfaction, despite longer work hours. A telling stat is that 46% of employees in hybrid work models with flexible hours have reported heightened job satisfaction.

    In response to this demand for better work-life balance, many organizations are setting boundaries on work expectations, encouraging breaks, and discouraging out-of-hours work. This flexible approach has significantly improved workplace culture and team dynamics.


    Technology: The Backbone of Remote Work

    Advancements in technology continue to facilitate remote work. Tools such as Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams have become integral to our work routines, playing a pivotal role in maintaining high levels of engagement. Businesses are now investing heavily in technology for seamless communication and collaboration within remote teams. Tools for video conferencing, project management, and cloud storage, as well as advancements in areas like artificial intelligence, are enabling employees to enrich their work experience remotely.


    Wellness: More Than Just a Buzzword

    Emphasizing employee wellness, organizations are introducing wellness programs and resources to counter the isolation and potential burnout of remote work. Digital yoga and fitness classes, paid wellness or mental health days, and even virtual happy hours all contribute to an employee’s sense of wellbeing and connectedness, helping them maintain a healthy work-life balance.


    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: More Than Just a Checkbox

    Remote work is instrumental in fostering diversity and inclusion by enabling companies to source talent globally. Organizations are adopting policies to ensure that remote workers are integrated into the company culture and decision-making processes. By fostering diverse and inclusive teams, businesses can stimulate a working environment conducive to innovation and success.


    Environmental Sustainability: The Green Advantage

    Remote and hybrid work models can significantly reduce carbon emissions by cutting down on commuting. By supporting such models, businesses also enable employees to utilize time otherwise spent on commuting for personal activities. This not only promotes employee satisfaction but also contributes to environmental sustainability.


    Revolutionizing Workforce Management

    Managing a remote workforce demands a different skill set than managing an in-person team. Businesses are acknowledging this and investing in training their managers on crucial aspects of hybrid and remote team management, such as effective communication, productivity assessment, and utilizing collaboration tools. This focus on equipping managers with the right skills can significantly contribute to the success of digital transformation.


    Remote Workforce Provisioning: The New Frontier

    In the realm of hybrid and remote work, effective and efficient workforce provisioning has emerged as a crucial element. This pertains to the supply and management of necessary resources that enable employees to work remotely without hindrances.

    It involves onboarding and offboarding processes, having equipment (laptops, monitors, accessories, etc.) to deliver at the indicated time to new hirings, as well as picking them up from the home of employees leaving the company, coordinating the pick-up, tracking the shipment and delivering it to the office or warehouse where inventories are stored.

    To refresh IT equipment, the new asset must be sent and exchanged with the one the user is currently using, with the coordination and follow-up that this implies, and for which technical time will have to be dedicated (software installation, hardware reconditioning), administrative and logistics time. It especially becomes complex for global companies, where the employee could live anywhere in the world.

    Supporting companies in Hybrid and Remote Workforce, Net Universe has created the Provisioning & Collection (P&C) service, in which a client can contract the services of shipping and recovering laptops (and accessories), but also use our own warehouses strategically distributed in different continents, where an inventory of each client’s equipment is stored to be conditioned, installing the base software, managed, controlled and sent anywhere in the world, even in those countries where the shipment of equipment is complicated due to restrictions customs or unfavorable local conditions.

    This trend is being increasingly used by companies of different sizes, those as large and global or even smaller and with operations in certain regions.


    P&C How it works?

    In essence, remote workforce provisioning is about providing employees with the means to perform their roles effectively in a remote setting, ensuring they can deliver their best work, no matter where they are located. By addressing these areas, businesses can ensure a smoother transition to remote working models, resulting in increased employee satisfaction and productivity.

    In summary, the future of hybrid and remote work hinges on flexibility, employee empowerment, and a healthy work-life balance. By focusing on technology, employee wellness, inclusive workspaces, and innovative remote workforce management, businesses can foster a thriving hybrid or remote work culture that benefits employees, customers, and ultimately, their own success.

    If you want to learn more about Net Universe Provisioning & Collection services and how Net Universe can help your company optimize IT Supply Chain processes, visit


    New study from Yubico reveals now is the time to move from legacy authentication to modern, phishing-resistant MFA

    Study finds 59% of enterprises report experiencing a data breach last year, yet 91% are still relying on usernames and passwords as their form of authentication

    SANTA CLARA, CA and STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – April 25, 2023 – Yubico, the leading provider of hardware authentication security keys, today at RSA Conference in San Francisco unveiled the results of a new research report conducted by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Commissioned by Yubico, the report surveyed over 500 IT leaders in the US and Canada and explored the top multi-factor authentication (MFA) trends among businesses today and the critical forces shaping authentication – including the impacts of government and regulatory compliance. This report is a sequel to a previous study that the companies conducted in 2021 and demonstrates how sentiments and behaviors have shifted when it comes to the adoption of MFA. 

    Over the last two years, respondents reported a continued reliance on the least secure forms of authentication, including traditional usernames and passwords and one-time passwords (OTPs). This is surprising considering 59% of respondents reported having a security breach within the past year – up 6% from just two years ago. Additionally, the report revealed a significant increase in MFA deployment for customers, which jumped to 57% from 45% (a 12% increase). 

    “Not all MFA is equal, and even though businesses know legacy MFA tools are not effective to stay secure, we’re seeing they’re still using them as primary tools of defense,” said Ronnie Manning, chief marketing officer, Yubico. “Now more than ever, education around the importance of phishing-resistant MFA is critical to officially move away from legacy MFA tools that are leaving thousands of businesses exposed to cyberattacks around the world.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

    The survey highlighted many additional key findings, including:

    • Only 46% of respondents protect their enterprise applications with MFA  
    • Nearly 74% have some level of concern about the security of SMS or push-based authentication
    • In general, the least secure methods of authentication such as passwords and SMS-based MFA are deployed most frequently
      • Username and password ranks at the top with 91% response selection, while hardware-based USB security keys (62%), biometrics (59%) passwordless MFA (58%) and smart cards (58%) are the least deployed
    • Nearly three-fourths (69%) of respondents have some level of concern about the security of SMS or push-based authentication

    “These survey results show a clear disconnect between the reality we’re facing of constant rising threats of sophisticated cyberattacks like phishing, and the actions that businesses are taking to stay secure,” said Manning. “There remains a considerable gap between the security and useability tradeoff of MFA tools, and this is highlighted by some confusion regarding phishing-resistant MFA and how the most secure tools like security keys can actually offer the best balance of cost savings and ease-of-use.”

    The survey also revealed critical forces shaping authentication and a foundation for the adoption of modern MFA, including the Executive Order (EO) on Cybersecurity issued by President Biden in May of 2021 in response to the US Office of Management and Budget issued Memo M-22-09. Nearly two-thirds (64%) have heard of the White House EO and related OMB guidance regarding phishing-resistant MFA and 91% of respondents report being familiar with FIDO standards. It’s clear that many organizations have responded to the call for more secure forms of authentication, but there is still a need to spread awareness and increase education around phishing-resistant MFA overall.

    To see the results of the survey and download the report, visit here. Learn more about the YubiKey and phishing-resistant MFA here. If you’re attending the RSA Conference, be sure to stop by Yubico’s booth S-4300 Moscone South.

    About the study

    The report was commissioned by Yubico and its findings presented in this report draw on a North American survey fielded in December 2022/January 2023. Respondents were based in the United States and Canada in company sizes of 500+ FTE. The survey targeted senior professionals and executives in IT security, compliance, and cyber risk. All respondents were screened for being involved in their organization’s purchase of security products and knowledgeability about MFA. Respondents were from the following industries: Education, Financial Services, Public Sector, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Technology, Transportation and Logistics. This report also draws on contextual knowledge of additional research conducted by S&P Global Market Intelligence.

    About Yubico

    Yubico, the inventor of the YubiKey, makes secure login easy and available for everyone. Since the company was founded in 2007, it has been a leader in setting global standards for secure access to computers, mobile devices, servers, browsers, and internet accounts. Yubico is a creator and core contributor to the FIDO2, WebAuthn, and FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) open authentication standards, and is a pioneer in delivering modern, hardware-based authentication security at scale. 

    YubiKeys are the gold standard for phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA), enabling a single device to work across hundreds of consumer and enterprise applications and services. Yubico’s technology enables secure authentication, encryption, and code signing and is used and loved by many of the world’s largest organizations and millions of customers in more than 160 countries. 

    Aligned with its mission of making the internet more secure for everyone, Yubico donates YubiKeys to organizations helping at-risk individuals through the philanthropic initiative, Secure it Forward. Yubico has presence around the globe and offices in Santa Clara, San Francisco, Seattle area, and Stockholm. 

    About Net Universe

    Net Universe has been recognized as the Yubico Strategic Partner of 2022 and has the full range of YubiKey, with worldwide shipping.

    Combining IT and logistics services, NetUniverse is the only authorized YubiKey distributor that has the ability to ship equipment anywhere in the world, without customs barriers, at the best cost and in times that no one can beat.

    For more information, please visit:


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